Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dear Zoo

Our Mother's Day plans included a trip to the zoo. This was actually Shannon's second visit... we first checked out the zoo on a warm March weekend with Marty.

On both visits, I've had so much fun pointing out the animals that fill the pages of her books. It strikes me as kinda funny that a peacock would be familiar to her because it's so exotic, but we read Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? alot!!!

Today we saw all sorts of bears, giraffes, zebras, elephants, aardvarks ("and if you are an aarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd-VARK!"), camels, river otters and penguins.

(Love those curls!)

Also, they've got a nice petting zoo where we hung out with the goats and chickens, saw some cows and ponies and got to see what Shannon would look like as a rooster.

We'll be back soon!


Monica and Steve said...

I think Shannon looks quite lovely as a rooster.

Brandy said...

I love the chicken pic! Hilarious.

Susie PSU said...

You guys are great parents. She'll be so thankful to have you when she gets older! The rooster picture is a must-have for bribery at a later date.