Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shannon Walking!!!

We took this video on Monday... its amazing how much more progress she's made since then. She's pretty much walking all the time now and getting faster/more steady every day.

(Yay for Daddy who helped me figure out a much easier way to upload and edit video!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shannon's Special Shirt

Can you believe it?!?!

Our newest addition (Baby McGee Remix Edition, Baby McGee 2.0) should be here somewhere around March 19, 2009. We're thrilled!

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Blog Returns

What?!?! A new post? Could it possibly be true? :)

Well, after an accidental 2 month hiatus, the blog is officially returning. And in my defense, blogging is an artform and artists go through slumps.

Here are some of favorite shots taken during Me and My Baby McGee's "dark period."