Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ten Months

Here's the official shot...

...but here's the more telling one!

It has been a really fun month. She is learning something new every second. This month, Shannon has:
-Switched from 'schootching' to full fledged crawling.
-Learned how to go from crawling to sitting and sitting to crawling
-Figured out how to pull up on furniture
-Taken her first cruisin' steps along the table
-Finally started saying Da-da!
-"Started to sign" (I put it in quotes because I'm still not sure if I'm seeing because I want to. :) But I really think that she's done 'more' and 'light')

She amazes us with how much she's learning but she also keeps us laughing. Some classic Shannon antics these days include:

  • Cracking up over the little piggy who went "wee, wee, wee" all the way home
  • Imitating our stupid "huh-huh" laugh
  • And my personal favorite: crawling over to the dogs' bowls in the kitchen, shaking her head "no" as she heads over because she knows that I'm going to say "Shannon, do we touch the doggies' bowls?"

Raise your hand if you think somebody might be getting some new teeth!

Love you, big girl!


Brandy said...

I've never noticed her curls before. She's adorable.

Monica and Steve said...

LOVE the curls! She's totally a toddler now. :)

Gina said...

Too cute Jodi and look at those curls! She is so BIG!!!