Sunday, November 22, 2009

Marathon Man

Chris ran the Philadelphia Marathon today and accomplished one of his three goals: finish the race! He ran it in 4:10 which is impressive when you consider squeezing training in around everything else we've got going on.

The girls and I went in to watch. We saw Chris 4 times during the race and at the finish. I sorta felt like it was my own "mom marathon." I mean, we had our gear, we started off cold and ended up sweaty, we went through lots of water and snacks, we covered some serious terrain today, my legs and arms feel like jelly right now...

Shannon and I made special signs last night with glitter. She loved cheering for the runners and shaking her cow bell. Believe it or not, we found Chris out of the 10,000+ runners with relative ease each time.

But each sighting was followed by a meltdown. "I want Daddy! I want see Daddy! I want Daddy more!" Horrible picture, but check out the crocodile tear rolling down her cheek. :(

Fortunately, she's easily distracted. Playing "runnners I spy" usually did the trick and when desperate times called for desperate measure, I let Shannon run in the race just like Daddy.

Can you find Chris in this pack half-way up on the left?

We missed him crossing the finish, but it was a happy reunion at the end of the race.

Way to go, Chris! You're amazing!


uncle mike said...

absolutely awesome, chris. congrats.

"booyah daddy" is right..hahaha. i love it.

Gina said...

Congrats Chris that is awesome! Also congrats to mommy for her marathon :)

Monica and Steve said...

Booyah! Congrats, Chris!

erin said...

YAY CHRIS! I'm totally, totally impressed.

And good job with the glitter Shannon! Glitter is a girl's best friend. Unfortunately, it's also a mama's worst enemy.