Monday, August 31, 2009

Kelly: Five Months

Kelly is a happy five month old girl. Here's the biggest news:

Not quite crawling yet, but she's getting closer every day. She can quickly get up onto all fours and can really rock up a storm. She also helicopters around and those little legs alone can get her pretty far. When she figures out how to move her arms while she's up, she's gonna take off.

She seems like she might be working on a first tooth and is a big fan of cool teething rings, blankets and (as you can see in the first photo) pretty much anything she can get to her mouth.

Oh my goodness, Shannon can make her laugh. We all like to zerbert her and do funny noises, but Kelly cracks up at Shannon. Thank goodness, because Kelly also gets "loved on" pretty hard by her big sister.

Kelly HATES being strapped into her carseat. She has some Incredible Hulk-like moves... once you undo the clasp, be ready because she's able to push herself out in a few seconds.

She LOVES music, looking out the car window, being held up really high and jumping.