Friday, June 19, 2009

Kelly: Three Months

Look at me! I'm three months old and loving life!

The biggest update this month is that Kelly has started school because Mommy is back to work. So far, things are going great. She's in the same room Shannon was in as an infant so we know already know her teachers. It took her a little bit to get used to bottles during the day, but she's doing well. And she'll have her pick of boyfriends...she's one of only 2 girls in her room right now.

Tricks... this girl is s-t-r-o-n-g. She's holding her head really well, can roll from front to back (first did this at 3 weeks!), and is getting close to going from back to front too. She loves being on her feet.

She can grab objects now and likes to eat her shirt. Shannon has also learned the hard way that Kelly likes to pull and eat hair. "Mommy! Help! Baby! Hair!"

Fake sneezes are guaranteed to get a smile and Kelly can hold her own in a baby conversation.

PS. Thanks Liz for the reminder phone call. The post might be late, but the picture was taken on time!


Hanna said...

so cute! what a great smile.

Monica and Steve said...

Beautiful eyes!