Sunday, February 13, 2011


Sorry for lack of pictures... I "lost" the battery charger for the camera awhile back but Chris "found" it today. Umm, 6 inches from the outlet it is normally kept in. Proof I am losing it.

So, in lieu of adorable photos, let me tell me about the weirdos.

My favorite Kelly quirk these days is that she insists on putting on a fresh pair of socks before nap and before bed. (But she's falling asleep on her own like a champ again, so guess who gets a fresh pair of socks before nap and before bed everytime?) Keeping with the foot theme, she's also in love with her "pippers" (aka slippers) and there is a whole practiced exchange about not wearing them to school, church, Target, library, etc that we go through on a daily basis.

Shannon is going through a phase of not liking foods mixed together. She'll eat a tortilla, black beans and cheddar on their own, but give her a quesadilla and she refuses it with her signature "what on earth are you thinking? stare. She's very into being big enough to take classes; case in point, as we drove by a bowling alley today and we were explaining/asking her if she'd like to go some time, she replied, "I think I want to take bowling lessons."

1 comment:

uncle mike said...

hanna and i could be her bowling instructors when we get home. that pays a lot, right?

kello is such a weirdo. we miss them.