Monday, March 8, 2010

Kelly: Eleven Months

I'm in total denial that Kelly is about to turn one. But try as I may to halt time (that's what this belated post is, BTW) the big day is coming. So here's what Kelly is like in her final days of "being x months old."

Kelly LOVES food. She was slower to warm up to eating than Shannon was but man, she chows with passion now. As you can see, blueberries and bananas are big favorites. Other foods you'll find on Kelly's tray these days... yogurt, chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches (LOTS of peaches), rice, peas, pretzel rods, beans, and oranges. She is pretty much eating table food all of the time now and I've been giving her whole milk here and there. She's good at her sippy cup, better at stealing Shannon's.

Kelly loves water. "Two girls in a tub" is a favorite game these days. She's also been in the pool at the YMCA once (twice?) and loved it, but she's had a bunch of ear infections this winter, we've kept her out to be safe.

The girl has no fear. She loves being upside down and this is a favorite game with Daddy right now. She is a climber and I'm pretty sure she's heard, "No, Kelly. Get down" enough to know what it means.

She definitely can walk and can go 10-15 steps at a time. But she knows she's fastest by crawling or "knee walking." It's bizarre to come into a room and find her standing in the center of it.

She babbles a ton and we're pretty sure that she says (and means) mama, dada, naana (for Shannon) and boo (when playing peekaboo). We're signing with her and she's starting to use milk and all done.

And that grin is second only to the giggle. Love you, Kelly!

1 comment:

Monica and Steve said...

Love her big beautiful baby blues!

Addie has those monkey pajamas!