Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kelly: Ten(ish) Months

So as long as she's not eleven months yet, it still counts as a ten month photo, right?

Here the shots that give a more accurate report of what Kelly looks like these days:

Standing on her own! And she's taken her first steps this month. Still prefers to crawl but if you are less than 3 feet away and encourage her to come to you, she'll give walking a try, cracking up with each step.

Other firsts this month... first tooth (yesterday, bottom left), first ambulance ride and first trip to the ER.

We had quite a scare last weekend. Kelly had a febrile seizure as we were on our way home from the Please Touch Museum last Saturday. She's totally fine (minus two ear infections which caused the high fever which caused the seizure) and the good news about febrile seizures is that while they are horribly scary to watch your kid go through the medical community describes them as harmless.

Kelly continues to be a big old goofball. In these next photos, she was just having a ball in her crib with Lamby.

She's also got a new trick. If you say, "Awwww, Kelly" she'll assume the official Aww, Kelly Pose.

She's also a dance machine (loves Wheels on the Bus, Row Row Row Your Boat and is one of the babies mesmerized by Beyonce's Single Ladies-- just the song though, she hasn't seen the video).

Her hair is getting long and curls when its wet. I can't even begin to imagine her with a fro like Shannon's.

Kel, you crack us up.


uncle mike said...

excited to see the "awww, kelly" pose this weekend.

Gina said...

she is turning into a BIG girl so fast!