Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Grammy's House

Well, nearly A MONTH ago, we made a trip to Cleveland to visit Grammy and Papa. Don't let the s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s of getting pictures posted fool you; we had a great time!

Shannon had a blast just playing at "Nammy's House." She really liked the cool wooden toy that you sent marbles cascading down... although I think my mom's grin was bigger. (I'm pretty sure she plays with it even when Shannon isn't there.)

Kelly on the other hand thought Abby was the best toy. She chased her all weekend. And succeeded in getting a huge handful of tail once. Thank goodness Abby is just about the sweetest dog ever.

Shannon also got to see a bit of Mommy's hometown, Chagrin Falls. Papa took her to feed the ducks, we went out to lunch at Yours Truly, and on Saturday morning we went to Mommy's favorite playground ever.

(I'm chuckling because I envisioned doing a separate post of the playground shots... that was when I wasn't six posts behind on this blog! Maybe someday...)

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see Grandma Rose and Aunt Jo (out of town and sick, respectively) but we squeezed a quick visit with my cousin Joanna and her two cuties in on Friday night.

On Saturday we drove to Youngstown to visit Grandma Marge and "other Papa" (as Shannon dubbed him...I didn't have the heart to break it to her that he was the original). Papa was recovering from a nasty fall earlier in the week so we went to see him at the rehab center. We watched the first half of the ND nail-biter with him and the second half back at their house after a delicious dinner.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. All the "hanging out" was fun!


uncle mike said...

whoa whoa whoa, what is this marble toy at home? mom, why didn't WE have this as kids?

gurney looks so small from that angle. i still think of it as being huge.

Jan said...

That marble toy is new... made by Phil Hall for the "grands' house."
You may play with it when you come for a visit! (Or anybody else who'd like to visit!)

Joanna said...

So glad that you guys came over! Anthony had a blast and is still talking about "his cousin Shannon."