Monday, July 27, 2009

Book Club Babies

Some of my closest friends are the 8 women I met out in Colorado known fondly as my Book Club girls. We're now scattered across the U.S. (as far as Maui!) and mainly get to watch each other's kids grow up online on their blogs.

Sunday was a treat because we got 4 families in one location. The Clarks, the Cobbs and the Shertzers were inseparable when they lived together in Colorado and decided to take a vacation together. Lucky for the McGee's, they picked the Poconos as their vacation spot which is less than 2 hours away. Since we're turned into professional day-trippers recently, we loaded into our car after church and spent the day with them.

All 8 kiddos!

I was mostly too busy gabbing to take photos, but here are a few pics of the kids playing together. We had fun!

PS. When we first became friends in 2006, we had 3 kids between the 9 of us. Miss Kelly was number 16, Baby Ben came along in May, and Liz's newest is coming soon. Crazy, huh?


Gina said...

Awesome Jodi! Thanks for posting the pics. I bet you all had a blast. The kids all look huge. Love the picture of the week or your two girls.

Susie PSU said...

Thanks for the pictures!! What a great time. You're lucky they were right near you for their vacation. Aren't several of them coming to COS for AF reunions of some sort? Oh, I hope so!

liz said...

STILL can't believe it - we're up to 18!!