Friday, January 30, 2009

Banana Phone

Everyone has different milestones that they look forward to. Monica couldn't wait to let Addie taste yummy foods. Samantha couldn't wait for Caroline to be old enough for ballet lessons. Amy was so excited to share her love of outdoor recreation with Hayden that he was out cross country skiing as a teeny babe (and now downhill skiing at age 2!)

By no means the thing that I thought I would look forward to as a parent, but still very exciting to me: Shannon now gets the banana phone joke.

She used to give me blank stares when I would snap one banana off the bunch and say "hello?" but now, if I am not in a comedian mood and forget to make the joke, she reaches out for it and says "telephone? hello? 'nana?" And then laughs up a storm.

PS.  Coming out of my blogging hole, so stayed tuned!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pictureless Post

I know, I know... lame!

But since I'm getting dangerously close to going a full month without a post, I thought I'd at least add something for now. Been snapping lots of pics, but need to figure out the new drivers/software that came with our new camera and get in the habit of putting pics on the Mac instead of my laptop. (Not hard, I'm just tired and lazy.)

So, without further ado...

Shannon is little Miss Manners these days. We started teaching her to sign "please" and "thank you" in early December and she picked them up really quickly. Soon she started saying "peez" and "tay too" as well. Now she is obsesed with them. Perfect example: Dive-bombing an unsuspecting Mommy on the couch with a toy, shoving it in my face while shouting, "Tay too!!!"

She's a great helper too. Loading and unloading the dishwasher are big-time fun things to do. In particular, she thinks the little basket for all of her sippy cup parts and these great little name bands is tons of fun. And hand-washing dishes in the sink... don't get me started on how wet, messy and glorious that is. (PS. She likes to eat the suds, so any ideas on how to make her not want to eat soap are welcome)

She is a champion mess-maker. Loves taking any container and dumping it all out. Toy bins, dog dishes, Mommy's purse, school bag, laundry basket... you name it, she dumps it. Coincidentally, "mess" is one of her favorite words.

She's switched from calling us Mama and Dada to Mommy and Daddy. There was also a funny transition phase where she called me "M' ma" (think of saying it with a French accent).

The girl has got her opinions. Like if she wants to show you a toy or book, she'll pat the floor next to her and repeatedly say "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy," pretty much demanding that you come sit next to her. Or when she saw me set the grapes on the counter, she went over to the open dishwasher Daddy was unloading and brought me the cutting board. Gentle suggestion about what I might do? :)

She's learning identify things. She knows some of her book titles and will go get "Goodnight Gorilla" or "Pigeon" if you ask for them.

She loves to get a big reaction. In one of her books, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, there is a picture of a Boa Constrictor. Since I'm terrified of snakes, I always pretend to be really afraid of this page, shrieking with fear and making really big eyes. So now Shannon likes to bring the book to me with this page open, already making big eyes herself.

She's a funny girl!