Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our DC Friends

On this episode of Shannon's Travels...

We finally made our way down to DC to visit Monica, Steve and Addie at their new house. Ever since our fun weekend at the beach, we've talked about how it was our turn to come visit them in DC. And this weekend, it happened!

We left bright and early on Saturday morning but pointed our car to Baltimore. Notre Dame was playing Navy at the Ravens stadium and Chris' friends found him a ticket. Since it was right on the way, Shannon and I dropped him off before driving the rest of the way to DC.

While Daddy was in Baltimore watching the game, we spent the afternoon with fellow one-year old Addie (who celebrated her big birthday on Monday) doing all sorts of fun one-year old things, like...

Going to the playground

Running away from Mommies and Daddies

Picking up mulch, trying to eat mulch, finding new mulch...

Chris took the train down after cheering the Irish on to victory. Hanging out at the house, we...

Giggled about Addie's new Barbie Jeep as the girls climbed all over it...

Added to Addie's birthday loot


Ate yummy food all weekend and then had a post-dinner dance party (oops, didn't get pics of either!)

Took a bath

Had a naked baby-fest in Addie's room (rats, no pics on my camera of this either!)

And then shared some jammie kisses.

The plus side to waiting so long to visit DC is that we also got to visit Marty in his new apartment down there. Shannon and Percy reunite!

Another fun weekend, but we're certainly looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home next week!

1 comment:

Monica and Steve said...

Wait, you're not coming back next weekend? Rats.

Thank you for coming! We have more pics of the visit over at our blog: