Monday, February 23, 2009

The Great Big Mama

Growing up, my brother Mike went through the dinosaur phase in a big way. He had this Dinosaur Rock tape (kids music) which we listened to A LOT. There was one song about the Mama Brontosaurus hatching her eggs and the refrain went like this:

(Squeaky voice) All the tiny little babies...
(Booming voice) And the GREAT BIG MAMA

This song has been going through my head a lot these days.

Yep, that last one would be my big ole belly busting out a MATERNITY t-shirt. Even though I've gained way less weight than I did with Shannon, I am absolutely huge this time around. About two weeks ago, strangers out and about started in with the "Wow, you must be due any day now" comments. Not what you want to hear when (at that point) you've still got six weeks to go!

Now I'm just about 37 weeks and, for the most part, ready for this baby. I freaked out last week and went on a spree: bought newborn diapers, washed teeny-tiny undershirts & socks and packed my hospital bag.

Shannon is still mainly oblivious, but has been getting a little more into the countdown until this baby's arrival. We've been reading some big sister/new baby books, she likes to zerbert my belly and will say "hi!" to it if you ask her to.

I've got her trained to go up and down the stairs holding my hand instead of being carried. But she likes to make me go through a very dramatic "Oh, Mommy's back hurts. Let's walk up the stairs." performance nearly every.single.time. It's funny; she clutches her own back, gets all serious, nods her head and says "back, Mommy" until I verify that indeed, my back hurts and I can't carry her.

Keep this big old Brontosaurus in your prayers!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Big Girl Room

Shannon's got some new digs... check them out!

She's doing great in her big girl bed. Climbs right in!

Daddy was the clever one who dreamed up using bookcases to make the top of the bed enclosed so that she wouldn't fall out. (No tumbles yet!) We found these cute dollhouse bookcases at Target. One side is home to all of her books...

...and the other side is perfect for some toys.